Zuu's Latest Nuus

Get award-winning LAYERS now, for only 99¢
Get 73% off LAYERS at your favourite online retailer for the month of December. It’ll make a great gift too! Click here.
Would you like to sign up to my newsletter, get a free story and join our exclusive Zuu Zone? Click here.
To celebrate the end of the year, a group of super authors and I have prepared a selection of discounted stories for you to pore over during the holidays (mine’s there too, for just 99¢ till Dec 31st). If you would like to support us writers, please do check out our reads – who knows, you might just find exactly the holiday read to fit your mood :o) You can check them out here or click on the pics below (please feel free to pass these links onto anyone you feel might like to check out our offers):
Short Stories Sales Special – short reads to warm your days (mixed genre)
Strange and Unusual Stories – an eclectic collection of curious tales
If you enjoy books with a strong sense of place, a group of authors got together to provide you with a stack of books to meet your need. We have a whole book fair of books on offer here, at various price levels and at various markets. Who knows, you might find exactly what you’re looking for here. Please note this offer is limited. Here’s the link for:
📚Happy Book Lovers Day to all!📚
To celebrate this special day, LAYERS will be priced at 99¢ from Aug 9-13, 2023! If you love highly rated short stories, grab your eBook copy here: Universal Book Link: https://buff.ly/3gGpH9S or here Google Play: https://buff.ly/4506PqB

Not much happening, except…
My book, Layers, has found it’s way into a beautiful little jungle library! To get there, I had to drive about 5km through a rough jungle backroad in a 4×4, through three streams (‘streams’ because the rain is subsiding now, otherwise it could turn into an impassable waterfall) and into the quaint jungle town of Ojochal, Costa Rica. If every you’re in the area, please pop in – it’s a beautiful little library and the friendly volunteers will be happy to show you around…

Lots happening…
LAYERS has been awarded a Book Excellence Awards Finalist prize, in the Short Stories category! Out of thousands of books entered, my book was selected for its high quality writing, design and overall market appeal. Hooray, I can hear that film producer knocking on my door already! You can get a copy for yourself HERE if you’d like to check it out 🙂
Also, I’m finally on Facebook! If you’d like to follow me, I’d love to see you there. In the meantime though, still trying to figure out how FB works, so please have patience with this newbie ;o) Here’s my link: Zuzanne Belec – Home | Facebook
Another one of my stories has been accepted, this time by CafeLit Magazine. In case you haven’t read MOTHERS yet, you can check out this very short story here: CafeLitMagazine: MOTHERS by Zuzanne Belec.
As if joining FB isn’t enough for a laugh, I’m going to be trying out TikTok now! Because it’s a great place for books, they say… And you don’t even have to perform any fancy moves to get noticed, they say… Only live once, right? Anyone out there who’d like to connect? ZuzanneBelec (@zuzannebelec) | TikTok
An Interview With…
Our interview this month features LBGTQ+ writer, blogger, runner, cook and actualizer of dreams, Marcus Lopés – all the way from Toronto, Canada. Read here for details…
Another story published – now available on Amazon!
Litbop: Art and Literature in the Groove
Thank you, Tim Chapman, for the wonderful opportunity – I’m honoured to be featured among so many talented artists. Tim is an ardent supporter of all creatives, and you can check out his website here (https://www.thrillingtales.com/litbop/).
(Update: over and above Litbop, my stories are currently also published in Agnes and True literary journal, CafeLit Magazine and Scarlet Leaf Review.)
Thank you for visiting my site (and for reading my book, if you already have). I wish each and every one of you a safe and peaceful 2023!
Want to know what inspired my stories? Want to know what I’m up to? Why not join in the fun and sign up? Just click here and get your free story: https://www.zuzannebelec.com/about-zuu/ Thank you and see you there! And, if you sign up, you will get access to my exclusive Member Zone, where all my subscribers can log in to catch up on my special offers, info, images or back-copies of my newsletters.
January, 2023